Today's Blog


Investment Alternatives
There are various means to invest: Cash, Bonds, Treasury Securities, Agency Securities, Corporate Bonds, Municipal Bonds, Common Stocks, Money Market Funds, Bond Mutual Funds, Stock Mutual Funds, & Balanced Mutual Funds.
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How To Receive Prosperity & Provision

Author Rich Brott begins with the fact that God wants to provide good things for His children. He wants for you to prosper and be successful in your God given gifts and callings. But God is no vending machine, nor does His promises come without conditions. If God cannot trust you with a hundred dollars now, how can He trust you with a thousand or a hundred thousand? Christians have access to unlimited and unimaginable resources. But with this access comes accountability. This is a lot of trust that God places in our lives. It is more than just finances. It is our entire life and how we handle it with faithfulness, responsibility, accountability, honesty, and integrity. You can learn how to Receive the Prosperity and Provision of God! Find out more

Recent Blogs


Thank You for stopping by. Rich Brott is the author of several books on personal finance and business management. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Economics and a Master of Business Administration.
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Read Rich's perspective and biblical framework on all the topics he pens in his blogs, articles, and books. His focus is to present a balanced perspective on all topics, from being diligent, working hard, being productive, as well as learning to save, invest wisely, giving appropriately and becoming stewards of everything including time, talents, bodies, giftings, money, possessions, skills, communication, etc. Take the time to read Rich's Kingdom Perspectives...
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