Today's Blog


Envisioning The Picture Of Success
How do you adapt your vision to a picture of success? Learn from from the life of Joshua and Abraham.
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15 Biblical Responsiblities Leading To Financial Wisdom

Attaining financial wisdom comes after learning some personal responsibilities. We have to fulfill those responsibilities as well. Some are very basic, such as simply acknowledging that God owns it all. Others have to do with productivity, time management and learning how to plan ahead. If you are to lead a prosperous and successful life, you must apply biblical instruction to work hard and lead a disciplined live. Then there is the responsibility of diligence, not being wasteful and knowing how to be good stewards in the handling of our possessions. We are to be accountable in caring for our resources, give generously to God and seek wisdom in matters of finances. Author Rich Brott explains these principles in simple, easy-to-understand narrative. Find out more

Recent Blogs


Thank You for stopping by. Rich Brott is the author of several books on personal finance and business management. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Economics and a Master of Business Administration.
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Read Rich's perspective and biblical framework on all the topics he pens in his blogs, articles, and books. His focus is to present a balanced perspective on all topics, from being diligent, working hard, being productive, as well as learning to save, invest wisely, giving appropriately and becoming stewards of everything including time, talents, bodies, giftings, money, possessions, skills, communication, etc. Take the time to read Rich's Kingdom Perspectives...
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