Today's Blog
Writing Your Sales Plan
Do you know how many units/services you must sell in order to meet your financial obligations? If not, don’t go any further until you have this information available? Be accurate and specific. Know your limits and your potential!
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Prosperity Has A Purpose
Some people teach that we should give to get. Others teach that we should sacrifice and withhold from our family in order to give more. Neither extreme point of view is correct. We must provide for our family. We should not give to get. Our attitude should be one of obedience and liberality. The best way to give to the Lord is to understand all that He has given to us, and then freely give back to Him. Author Rich Brott provides a very balanced perspective in his latest book, “Prosperity Has a Purpose”. He notes that we gain by giving and we lose by withholding. When we freely give to God, regardless of our own personal need, we allow God to be big in our lives. We allow Him to provide for us. This can only happen as we buy into the principle of freely giving. If we are stingy in our giving and withhold from the Lord, we miss the many blessings and provisions He wants to shower upon us. Find out moreRecent Blogs
Thank You for stopping by. Rich Brott is the author of several books on personal finance and business management. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Economics and a Master of Business Administration.
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Read Rich's perspective and biblical framework on all the topics he pens in his blogs, articles, and books. His focus is to present a balanced perspective on all topics, from being diligent, working hard, being productive, as well as learning to save, invest wisely, giving appropriately and becoming stewards of everything including time, talents, bodies, giftings, money, possessions, skills, communication, etc. Take the time to read Rich's Kingdom Perspectives...
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