Site Archives

Being In Control of Your Finances

Being In Control of Your Finances   Being in control of your finances means a whole lot more than just earning a greater income, having a better job and controlling your money.  It means getting a handle on your bad habits.  These might be habits of bad thought, wrong decisions, wrong choices and bad spending […]

Funding Your Child’s Future

Funding Your Child’s Future       Pretend that you have a 12-year-old child.  Let’s say you make a one-time investment into a S&P 500 mutual fund of $1,000 at the child’s current age.  An S&P 500 index fund is a group of stocks considered to be generally representative of the stock market.  This index […]

Bank Interest vs. Mutual Fund Growth

Bank Interest vs. Mutual Fund Growth     The following chart shows the annual return on an investment in five-year increments.  If you were to begin saving now, an amount of $100 per month, the following chart details your possible investment return showing a variety of percentages and years.      Annual Return 5 Years […]

Retirement Income

Retirement Income       Most people will have to replace 70-90% of their current income at retirement age.  Many will want to replace 100% of their pre-retirement income.  Because we are living longer and healthier lives, we can expect to live 20 plus years after retirement and to be more active at an older […]

Credit Cards Are the Norm

Credit Cards Are the Norm   In our culture, credit purchases are the norm.  Often, before an item has been paid for, it has been discarded.  If you think you must have it all now or you cannot be happy, a paradigm shift must be made in your thinking.    In our culture, going in […]