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Build a Huge Nest Egg

Build a Huge Nest Egg     You can build a huge nest egg for your later years simply by living below your means.  Does it mean driving a car that should be abandoned in a junkyard?  Not really.  Does it mean eating oatmeal seven days a week and drinking only water?  Not really, but […]

Baron Lytton on Debt

Baron Lytton on Debt     “Debt is to man what the serpent is to the bird; its eye fascinates, its breath poisons, its coil crushes sinew and bone, its jaw is the pitiless grave.” ”Man hazards the condition and loses the virtues of freeman, in proportion as he accustoms his thoughts to view without […]

Chartery On Debt

Chartery On Debt       “Debt haunts the mind; a conversation about justice troubles it; the sight of a creditor fills it with confusion; even the sanctuary is not a place of refuge. The borrower is servant to the lender. Independence, so essential to the virtues and pleasures of a man, can only be […]

Ralph Waldo Emerson On Debt

Ralph Waldo Emerson On Debt “A man in debt is so far a slave.” ”Debt, grinding debt, whose iron face the widow, the orphan, and the sons of genius fear and hate; debt, which consumes so much time, which so cripples and disheartens a great spirit with cares that seem so base, is a preceptor […]

Nine Reasons to Become Debt Free – Part 4

Nine Reasons to Become Debt Free     To maintain a healthy marriage.   Finances are said to be the number one cause of divorce today.  This isn’t having money or not having money.  It has to do with how we handle our money, our discipline, our integrity, our responsibility for it and our accountability […]