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Nine Reasons to Become Debt Free – Part 3
Nine Reasons to Become Debt Free    To stay mentally healthy.  Clear thinking and peace of mind cannot be taken for granted. It is hard to have clarity of thought and difficult to make good, logical and well-reasoned financial decisions when you are stressed under a burden of heavy debt.  Your […]
Nine Reasons to Become Debt Free – Part 2
Nine Reasons to Become Debt Free   To stay emotionally healthy.  Long after the pleasure of the purchase is gone, the emotional baggage of repayment goes on and on. If you decide to go ahead and sell the item you were so excited about owning, it is worth a fraction of what you […]
Nine Reasons to Become Debt Free – Part 1
Nine Reasons to Become Debt Free  Can you become debt free? Yes! Yes, you absolutely can! Why should you desire to become debt free? What should motivate you to stay within a planned budget, pay off debt and keep it paid off? Of course, we could list literally hundreds of reasons, but here are […]
Why Do People Go Into Debt?
Why Do People Go Into Debt?  Why do people go into debt? Usually it is from ignorance of the eventual financial consequences. True enough, sometimes, unforeseen disasters occur that are completely out of a person’s control. This may include the loss of a job or gigantic health and medical bills that come out of […]
Debt vs. Deficit
 Debt vs. Deficit  What is debt? What is a deficit? Do the two words mean the same? We often hear the two used wrongly and completely out of context. In simple terms, we can explain the differences in this way.  A deficit is the amount by which a sum of money falls […]
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