Choosing Your Attitude

ATTITUDE isn’t simply a state of mind; it is also a reflection of what we value.  Attitude is more than just saying we can; it is believing we can.  ATTITUDE is a CHOICE!

Attitude requires believing before seeing, because seeing is based on circumstances, believing is based on faith.  Attitude is contagious, especially when we ready ourselves for our tomorrows. 

We have total ownership of our attitudes.  No one else has the power to alter our attitudes without our permission.  Our attitude allows us to become more empowering than money, to rise above our failures, and accept others for who they are, and what they say. 

Attitude is more important than giftedness, and is the forerunner of all skills needed for happiness and success.  Our attitudes can be used to build us up or put us down – the choice is ours. 

Attitude also gives us the wisdom to know that we can’t change events of the past.  I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I respond to it –  and with this state of mind,  I remain in charge of my attitude.

Attitude is a choice!  We have the power to choose our responses to any situation.  Two kinds of choice-point filters have a profound impact on our responses; those within and those outside of our control. 

Some choice influences, such as gender and age, are outside our control.  Others, such as values and education, are within our control.  Through our attitude, we can empower the elements within our control while minimizing the effect of those outside our control.

Outside Our Control        Within Our Control

           Race                                  Feelings

           Sex                                    Thoughts

           Age                                    Attitudes

           Country of Origin               Values

           Birth Family                       Desires

           Physical Attributes             Education    

           Other Choices                   My Choices


Whether within or outside our control, our attitude can greatly influence our response to the circumstances of life.  Do financial setbacks come our way?  Of course.  Do they have to keep us down?  Certainly not!  Your attitude is one of the few things in life you can control.  Although you can’t foresee the ups and downs you’ll experience, you can control how you’ll react to them. 

Content © Rich Brott, 2011

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