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More Benjamin Franklin On Debt

More Benjamin Franklin On Debt       ‘Rather go to bed supperless than rise in debt.”   ”To the generous mind the heaviest debt is that of gratitude, when it is not in our power to repay it.”     Your thoughts on this subject?  Your comments appreciated!  

Quotes on Debt – Part 1

Quotes on Debt – Part 1     The only man who sticks closer to you in adversity than a friend is a creditor.  ~Author Unknown Who goeth a borrowing, Goeth a sorrowing. ~Thomas Tusser Before borrowing money from a friend, decide which you need most.  ~American Proverb In God we trust; all others must […]

Stop the Bleeding Now!

Stop the Bleeding Now!     By bringing to a halt unessential purchases, you can begin to get a handle on your debt.  Though that will stop the bleeding, it does nothing to correct past mistakes.  You still have to handle past purchases, past loans and other debt you have incurred.    Now that you […]

But I Have Worked So Hard!

But I Have Worked So Hard!   Of course, you think you have worked hard and deserve some extras, and perhaps you do – but don’t!  Now is the time to say no and now is the time to give up the extra things you purchase that make you feel good.    Will some of […]

Nine Reasons to Become Debt Free – Part 9

Nine Reasons to Become Debt Free       To enjoy retirement.   When will you retire?  Will it be 15 to 20 years after your friends retire?   Understanding that a lot of choices do come your way and that you have within you the power to improve your financial condition, you will soon […]