The Love of Possessions

Lack of contentment gets a lot of people into trouble. Remember the Ten Commandments? These instructions (guidelines for good living) were etched in stone for Moses to deliver to the people. Specifically, the tenth warns of the destructive power of greedy materialism. In essence, it is telling us not to let what we don’t have rob us of the joy of grateful living. Knowing just how much that discontentment can eat away at the inner man, Scripture gives us this admonition:

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor” (Exodus 20:17, NIV).

New Testament characters Ananias and Sapphira tossed aside the values of honor and integrity because they also had a love of money. The resulting loss of life was quite a price to pay. Judas did so also. For a mere 30 pieces of silver he sold his soul and then felt so guilty that he committed suicide.

God really is concerned about our actions, character and motives. No matter how much money a person gives to God, if it is money that comes from an origin of disrespect, it is wasted. God cannot be bought. Jesus Christ said that one could not serve two masters and that a person had to make a choice—either to serve God or mammon (money).

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Content © Rich Brott, 2011

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