Bring About Change by Obeying God’s Principles

Bring About Change by Obeying God’s Principles


There are certain principles which, if followed, will lead to a peaceful and prosperous life:


“Blessings on all who reverence and trust the Lord— on all who obey Him! Their reward shall be prosperity and happiness” (Psalm 128:1-2 TLB).


1. You must never keep it all.


The first thing you must do when money flows into your life is give some of it away.


2. You must never spend it all.


After tithing your income, always pay yourself before anyone else. Always. Not only must you set aside a portion of all your earnings, but you need to put that money to work for you. Merely saving is not enough.


  1. Remember that God is your source.


Your employer, your spouse, your investments, your trust account, your parents (or any other entity) are not the source of your money. God, who gave you the talents, intelligence and ability to think and work, is the source. Your responsibility is to be a good steward of all you receive.


Debt is nothing more than borrowing from future income to buy now what we cannot afford with current income.


Employers, investments, spouses and parents are only the conduits in the delivery system. Grabbing onto this truth will bring a sense of peace and calm to your life. No longer will you worry about a drop in the stock market or the plunging of real estate values. No longer will you lay awake worrying about losing your job.


The way your money is delivered may change radically and frequently, but the source never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.


  1. Remember that God knows your heart’s desires!


God promises to supply all your needs and He says if you delight yourself in Him, He will also give you your desires. He is not ignorant of your needs or desires. He never falls asleep on the job or issues a due date. All He asks is that you obey His laws and trust His Word. Those who do and go on to demonstrate that they can be trusted with more are blessed beyond what they deserve or could possibly imagine.

Content © Rich Brott, 2011

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