Site Archives Credit
Financing Your Vehicle vs. Paying Cash – 2
Let’s take a look at the difference between the borrower and the lender in purchasing just one moderately priced vehicle. Given a very common loan repayment schedule of six years, a huge gap occurs between the two situations. Here are the two choices: Making vehicle loan payments Taking that very same payment and investing it […]
Financing Your Vehicle vs. Paying Cash – 1
Let’s contrast a real-life scenario of the borrower versus the lender that happens tens of thousands of times every day. A person walks into an auto show room and falls in love with that new car or truck that has everything he ever desired. The design is superb, the model fits his or her personality, […]
How Credit Reports Are Used
A credit bureau score is one type of credit score. It is calculated from the information on your credit bureau file at the time that the information was requested. Consequently, a credit score is like a snapshot. It sums up, at one given point in time, what your past and current credit usage says about […]
Assessing Your Personal Credit
How you used your credit in the past and the reasons for your past financial difficulties are two factors that affect your ability to get a loan. The first step is to understand whether or not you are considered a credit risk. Most lenders will consider you a higher credit risk only if your credit […]
Current Credit Data Predicts Future Credit Performance
Scoring models and other tools analyze data only, using it to predict future credit performance. A scoring model contains a list of questions and answers, with points given for each answer. Information proven to be predictive of future credit performance is used in the model. Here are a few examples of what a typical model […]
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