Site Archives Credit
Why I Pay With Cash
Why I Pay With Cash ….and why you should too! 1.    If you pay cash, you are likely to be more careful in your purchase. You may not make the purchase at all. You may delay the purchase until you have enough cash. You may decide there are other priorities for you cash. You may […]
The Problem of Easy Credit
The problem with easy credit is that banking institutions are always willing to give you more money than you have the ability to repay. If you need to borrow a thousand dollars for an unexpected need because you have not set aside dollars for that purpose, the lending institutions will try to give you several […]
Is Credit Debt Dangerous?
Americans are two trillion dollars in debt. Credit, the ability to borrow money, can be very dangerous. In short, it’s spending money today that will be tomorrow’s income. Most economists would say that credit is an important part of the ability of individuals, families, cities and ultimately nations to function in a financial world. Credit […]
Credit Card Debt and Interest – Part I
Your current credit card debt represents more than just the fact that you owe money. It represents the fact that you are spending more money than you are making. It represents the fact that you are out of touch with your financial future. It represents the fact that you need to attend to this now […]
Credit Card Debt and Interest – Part II
Scripture says the poor will always be with us, but it does not say none of them will be Christians. A friend of mine, who is very brilliant individual, once made a statement that seemed very odd to me. He said, “I cannot understand why God has not made me rich yet.â€Â  I have […]
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