Site Archives Debt Free

Good Debt vs. Bad Debt

Good Debt vs. Bad Debt     When it comes to taking on personal or non-business debt, many people, even so-called consultants, will tell you that there is “good debt” and “bad debt.”  Wrong!    Please don’t buy into the “good debt” / “bad debt” discourse.  ALL personal debt is bad!  Now I am not […]

You CAN Be Debt Free

You CAN Be Debt Free   Can you be debt free?  One person says, “I can,” another person says, “I cannot.”  Which person is correct?  Both are correct.  If you think you can, most likely you will.  It’s not so much the power of positive confession or positive thinking, as it is the sheer determination […]

Are You a Borrower or a Lender? Part III

Are You a Borrower or a Lender? Part III       Here are the details for your review:     Vehicle Loan   Cost of Vehicle:  $30,000         Invest Instead   Interest Rate: 12%           Your thoughts on this subject?  Your comments appreciated!

Are You a Borrower or a Lender? Part II

Are You a Borrower or a Lender? Part II     As mentioned in my previous blog, you have two choices.  Here, again, are the two choices:   1)    making vehicle loan payments 2)    taking that very same payment and investing it in the equity market yielding average equity returns over the past 40 years.  […]

Are You a Borrower or a Lender? Part I

Are You a Borrower or a Lender? – Part I     Let’s contrast a real-life scenario of the borrower versus the lender that happens tens of thousands of times every day.  A person walks into an auto show room and falls in love with that new car or truck that has everything he ever […]