Site Archives Debt

The Lifestyle of Debt

The Lifestyle of Debt What about a lifestyle of debt? Is a Christian to borrow? Is debt okay? Some would believe it is wrong for a Christian to have any debt. Some will say it is all right to borrow for a house, but never borrow for anything that would depreciate. While I am not […]

Five reasons to pay cash!

Five reasons to pay cash! Plastic—ATM card, debit cards and credit cards—are all stand-ins for money. They are not the real thing. They are just representatives, and often poor ones, when they represent debt. Five reasons to pay cash! Paying cash means making some lifestyle changes and sacrifices, but it will keep you from drowning […]

10 Financial Principles

10 Financial Principles The following list of 10 financial principles were penned by the Reverend William J. H. Boetcke. Part of the beauty of these remarks is that they are short, to the point, and easily understood by anyone. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot help small men by tearing down […]

Five Things You Can Do With Money

Five Things You Can Do With Money There are only five things you can do with money. 1.    Give it. 2.    Save it. 3.    Invest it. 4.    Lend it. 5.    Spend it.  Notice where spending comes in that lineup: last. Spending should never be the first thing you do with your money. Because the proper […]

Why I Pay With Cash

Why I Pay With Cash ….and why you should too! 1.     If you pay cash, you are likely to be more careful in your purchase. You may not make the purchase at all. You may delay the purchase until you have enough cash. You may decide there are other priorities for you cash. You may […]