Site Archives Debt

Benjamin Franklin On Debt

Benjamin Franklin On Debt   Benjamin Franklin said, “When you run in debt, you give to another power over your liberty.”   Living within your means is simply not going into debt for any purchase.  It means you purchase only things you need, not what you want, and you pay cash for things you need […]

The Cancer of Debt

Debt is like cancer.  At first it is not life threatening because it involves only a cell or two.  But it never stays tiny.  It begins to grow and then it takes over.  It becomes the master; you become its slave.  Never believe that a little debt, manageable as it may seem, is okay.  It […]

Thought-Provoking Questions

·         Are you paying high interest rates? ·         Are you being charged late fees? ·         Are you getting calls from creditors? ·         Can you afford the monthly payments, but not the past due amount? ·         Are you making monthly payments, but your balance never seems to go down? ·         Do you worry about paying your […]

Danger Signals of Too Much Debt – Part III

·         You have borrowed money from a new source to pay off an older, perhaps even overdue, debt. ·         You have borrowed money to pay for regular household expenses such as rent, food, clothing, gas or insurance. ·         You have reached your credit limits. ·         You hurry to the bank on payday to cover checks […]

Danger Signals of Too Much Debt – Part II

·         You get behind in utility or rent payments. ·         You have to consolidate several loans into one or reduce monthly payments by extending current loans to pay your debts. ·         You cannot afford to pay for regular living expenses or credit payments. ·         Creditors are sending overdue notices. ·         The portion of your income […]