Site Archives Debt

Dangers Of Excessive Borrowing

There is a great danger in our society of getting trapped by debt. Perhaps the greatest need in families today is to understand the consequences of being trapped by debt, with limited income, creating a financial position where recovery seems impossible. Anyone can find a wealth of information which deals with borrowing, easy credit and […]

Why You Should Become Debt Free – Part 3

To have money for repairs. If you own or even rent a home, you will need money for repairs and general upkeep. Some examples of possible repairs are a leaky roof, a squeaky furnace, household appliances such as the washer, dryer and refrigerator, and other necessary repairs on vehicles, computers, etc. If you are maxed […]

Why You Should Become Debt Free – Part 2

To stay mentally healthy. Clear thinking and peace of mind cannot be taken for granted. It is hard to have clarity of thought and difficult to make good, logical and well-reasoned financial decisions when you are stressed under a burden of heavy debt. To maintain a healthy marriage. Finances are said to be the number […]

Why You Should Become Debt Free – Part 1

Why should you become debt free? After all, you felt that you needed that new car. And of course, your house must have furniture in it. A closet would be useless without a good stock of new shoes and clothes. Of course, you don’t have the money now, but you do have credit cards. Are […]

Why Do People Go Into Debt?

Why do people go into debt? Usually it is from ignorance of the eventual financial consequences. True enough, sometimes, unforeseen disasters occur that are completely out of a person’s control. This may include the loss of a job or gigantic health and medical bills that come out of nowhere. Usually these are rare exceptions. For […]