Site Archives Debt

Your Total Debt Obligations

Some people would like to consolidate their debts and have either a lower monthly payment or fewer monthly payments. You probably should not consolidate your debts if… Your habits are not likely to change. The interest rate for consolidation is high. You might want to seriously consider the possibility of debt consolidation if it would… […]

A Plan for Becoming Debt Free – Part I

The relative ease of obtaining credit enables consumers to get goods and services when cash is not readily available. It also allows them to buy things on sale, make purchases when prices are low, and pay for items at the same time they are using and enjoying them. Unfortunately, problems and financial risks occur because […]

Facing the Debt Giant Head-on

The stakes were set for a battle of overwhelming odds. Two armies faced each other, positioned on two separate hills. In the valley between, a fierce warrior stood alone, screaming out obscenities to the opposing army. Had he been an ordinary soldier, he might have invited some ready combat. This, however, was no ordinary soldier. […]

A Plan for Becoming Debt Free – Part II

Avid skiers delight in telling others how exhilarating it is to glide down the slopes. In their mind, there is nothing like it and they can’t understand why some of their friends are not as excited about joining them on skiing trips. Skiing into debt is also very exciting. However, the price of escaping from […]

A Plan for Becoming Debt Free – Part III

Your journey to financial freedom will be an individual one, with your own circumstances dictating much about your plan. Here are a few steps you can use as a guide to map out your own course. A brief explanation will help you understand its simplicity as well as its usefulness. George Fooshee, Jr. gives the […]