Site Archives Recommendations
Laying Up Treasures
“In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.†I Timothy 6:19 NIV There is an ancient legend about a monk who found a precious stone, a precious jewel. A short time later, […]
Recommended Websites
Today, I wanted to alert you to some other websites and bloggers whose weekly blogs are of interest to me: Money Management Online Sites Regularly I drop by a number of sites for a variety of articles, blogs, financial news and calculators. Thinking you may have some interest in the sites that I read, I […]
Financing Your Vehicle vs. Paying Cash – 5
Vehicle Deal Tactics Why are you encouraged to use credit instead of paying with cash? Two reasons are clear to me. If you pay cash, you are likely to be more careful in your purchase. You may not make the purchase at all. You may delay the purchase until you have enough cash. You may […]
Dangers Of Excessive Borrowing
There is a great danger in our society of getting trapped by debt. Perhaps the greatest need in families today is to understand the consequences of being trapped by debt, with limited income, creating a financial position where recovery seems impossible. Anyone can find a wealth of information which deals with borrowing, easy credit and […]
Paying With Cash – 1
Paying cash for a purchase is not generally promoted in our society. In many cases, it is outright discouraged. Why pay cash when you can lease the item? Why pay cash when you can enjoy low-interest financing? Why pay cash when you could be building your personal credit rating? Why pay cash? – you may […]
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