Site Archives Recommendations
Putting The Brakes On Borrowing
Too often, people are quick to borrow instead of trusting the Lord to meet their needs. After all, doesn’t Scripture tell us that our God is a providing God, and that He will take care of us by meeting our needs? What if we turn to credit and take on new debt, when all along […]
Less Is Better Than More
It is always wise to borrow less rather than more. Cultivate the mindset that you will only borrow for absolute necessities and that you will repay the loan at the earliest possible date. Paying back a larger amount than the required fixed payment will help you retire the debt early. What should you not be […]
Avoid Indulgence
Don’t get in the habit of buying something before you need it or because you think you might use it at some future date. Indulgence because you feel that you owe it to yourself or it will help your self-esteem is a very bad habit to get into. You can develop habits that will insure […]
Live Within Your Means
Scripture says that the poor will always be with us, but it does not say that none of them will be Christians. If you’ve ever wondered, “I cannot understand why God has not made me rich yet,†we have no magic formulas but this one. Live within, not above, your income! A friend of mine […]
Heading For A Financial Catastrophe?
Are this month’s credit card balances higher than previous months? Have you never paid more than the minimum payment required on your credit lines or credit cards? Are you continuing to add new cards to your pocketbook? Are you always seeking new ways to borrow? Have you been feeling anxious about your debt burden? Does […]
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