Site Archives Seed Cycles
The Assurance of Harvest Law
The Assurance of Harvest Law We will always have a harvest (Malachi 3:10; Galatians 6:9). When you sow, you will always reap! This law is as sure as the rising and going down of the sun. The success of this harvest is not determined by natural laws, but the success is governed by the Lord […]
The Reaping Comes Later Law
The Reaping Comes Later Law You will usually reap later than you sow. In the American Midwest, farms are everywhere. You don’t have to be around a farm too long to learn that both growth and decay take time. The same is true in our spiritual lives. Perhaps this is the reason Paul warned that […]
The Law of Harvesting More Then We Planted
The Law of Harvesting More Then We Planted We will always reap more than we planted (Matthew 13:8). When we plant a kernel of corn, we reap a stalk with several ears of corn on it. On the ears of corn are hundreds of kernels of corn. So it is with a blade of wheat. […]
The Law of the Season
The Law of the Season There is a season for planting and a season for harvesting (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 2). Not all harvesting follows immediately. The time element is important. If the seed germinates before its proper time, a harvest can be lost. Many give as if there will not be a harvest.  Some people […]
Harvesting is Viewed by All
Harvesting is Viewed by All Seed can be sown secretly; however, the harvest is always viewed by many. We do not see all the work, sweat and tears that a person has expended to plant the seed. It may seem to those who were not involved in the labor that the seed was just planted […]
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